D.B. Ward scrapbooks, 1859-1956.


D.B. Ward scrapbooks, 1859-1956.

The first volume of D.B. Ward scrapbooks contains clippings of printed material, which range in date from 1859-1956. This scrapbook apparently was assembled by Ward, then added to after his death by an unknown person. The volume contains mainly articles, prose, obituaries, and some images from several sources, including the Seattle Daily Times, Methodist Recorder, and the Puget Sound Weekly Courier. Also included are the obituaries for Ward and his wife, Sarah Byles Ward, as well as a typed list of the attendees of the Byles family reunion in 1932. The second of the Ward scrapbooks contains clippings of articles, mainly from the Seattle Post-intelligencer, dated 1898 through 1903. Also likely assembled by Ward, this volume has a handwritten title on the cover: "Scrapbook, vol. 2 Personal (Mention) Items-1898, D.B. Ward." The content of the articles is mainly centered on the development of the city of Seattle and the work of the Seattle Chamber of Commerce. It includes some annotations and printed imagery of the Washington State booth at the Omaha exposition of 1898, at which Ward participated. Also included among this set are three scrapbooks containing clippings from Edmond S. Meany's "Living Pioneers of Washington" column, which appeared in the Seattle Post-Intelligencer newspaper. The first of these volumes contains material covering the years 1915-1919. It also includes several annotations, presumably by Ward, whose portrait is pasted inside of the back cover, and whose signature and initials appear throughout the scrapbook. A second "Living Pioneers of Washington" scrapbook includes mainly undated clippings, but there are some written dates indicating that this collection was started in 1919, as well as the same Ward portrait. A final scrapbook possibly of unrelated provenance, also contains clippings from "Living Pioneers of Washington," as well as obituaries of Washington pioneers. These clippings are not in chronological order, but range from 1915 to 1917. Additionally, the scrapbook contains manuscript notes (in a different hand) on some of the articles with the word "dead" inscribed.

5 v. ; sizes vary.

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